Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Nothing Like Dim Sum and a Vente wait....

So yeah....

I was downtown wandering again...and came across this....a Starbucks in Downtown Toronto Chinatown...I wonder how it's going to do....

There once was a McDonalds in chinatown...which is now a Tim Hortons...Timmy's has been there for a while perhaps Starbucks could catch on as well....

They gave out free samples...some kinda choco-coffee....dunno what they call it...maybe the extra vente half caf of evil...i dunno...

If you're interested in this's on Dundas East of Spadina basically right by Beverly Street.

I dont drink coffee much at all...maybe like 3-5 cups a year...and it's mostly cuz of peer's a gateway drug...what can i say...


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