Wednesday, July 19, 2006

So much to discover...

So I live in the beaches area...or as some would argue needlessly...the BEACH area...whatever...same shit different name...anyways...I met up with 2 of my close friends today for lunch (Bo and Kenrick) and after I went on a street car ride to the west end...well semi west Roncesvalle and Queen West...I always knew there was a beach area down there as well but never ventured down there myself...never thought to do on one of my solo adventures I discovered a whole other place in Toronto...albeit for some it's nothing new or's likely old news for alot of people...but damn...this area is freakin' my opinion it's much nicer than the 'beaches' area in the east end of the city in many feels like it's a nice hidden area that few people know about...althought I'm wrong cuz it's the location of the west end boat clubs and looks and feels really nice...

If I had a girl to take on a date this would be very cool place to take her...but I don't...this is not by the way a sad way to segway into asking for hookups...I'm not cool with that...sorta...

So yeah...check this area's really freakin' nice...easy to get to...lots of street cars that take you there...the Queen and King street cars will do the trick...or you can drive there via lakeshore or QEW...there's plenty (on a non busy day I'm guessing) of parking...

Check it out y'allz!!!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition 2006

Tis the season for outdoor festivals!!!!

At Nathan Phillip's Square there's the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition. Basically from Dundas all the way up to Lawrence on Yonge street there's something goin' on. But really I don't need to tell you probably already know.

Yesterday I was at the TOAE and met a bunch of new people. Three of these people were Sean Galbraith (Toronto Blogger and Photographer), Paul Robert Turner (Exceptional Painter), and Olexander Wlasenko (Stellar Drawer).

Paul Turner
Sean GalbraithOlexander Wlasenko

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Montreal Jazzfest

Originally uploaded by Chu Hefner.
So I didnt actually end up spending all that much time at the Jazzfest itself...only really about an hour tops on Sunday Night...still was a great trip though....I was able to see more of the city than I had before...really 3 days and 2 nights is not enough to see that city....even adding up all the times i've been there before just doesnt do it....

I'm going for sure again next year....hopefully with more days...we'll see...